Friday, November 29, 2019

Women in India Essay Sample free essay sample

Womans in ancient India were held in high regard. With the class of clip. the position of adult female got lowered. Muscle and money power started ruling the societies. And as work forces fought the wars and ran the ventures of industrial production. they started sing themselves superior to adult female. After the development of scientific discipline and engineering. the pattern of female foeticide on a big graduated table besides started. This finally led to a slack in the female sex ratio. Harmonizing to the nose count of 2001. the sex ratio in India is 927 females to 1. 000 males. Dowry has become widespread and the birth of a girl kid became unfortunate. In several parts of India. adult females are seen as an economic liability. even with the part of adult females in legion ways to our economic system and society. Early matrimonies. colza. molestation. sexual torment. forced harlotry. eve badgering. etc are a common issue today. We will write a custom essay sample on Women in India Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The offense rate against adult females is non-farming activities essay depicts how adult females are being exploited and how their demands are being repressed in our chiefly Orthodox society. It besides shows how it can avoided. so that adult females can populate freely. walk freely and speak freely.Women A ; Education:Education is one of the powerful tools in the release and the authorization of adult females. It is the individual uttermost factor which can surprisingly better the place of adult females in any society.The 2001 Census study shows that the literacy rate among Indian adult females is merely 54 per centum. It is about corrupting to detect that the literacy rate of Indian adult females is even much poorer to the national norm of 65. 38. The enlargement of instruction for adult females in rural countries is really sulky. This clearly means that still big figure of adult females of our state is illiterate. backward. weak and exploited. In add-on instruction is besides non available to all every bit which can be seen by the Gender inequality in instruction. The literacy rate for the adult females is merely 54 % against 76 % of work forces harmonizing to the 2001 Census. The phenomenon affecting Women instruction is multi dimensional. Not one factor or cause can be held accountable for the low literacy rate of Indian adult females. It is related with the combination of many factors including societal. economic. demographic. administrative. cultural. educational. political. etc.Some of the of import factors that can be credited for the current state of affairs are:Female age at matrimony: There is high connexion of the female literacy rate with that of the female age during her matrimony. The female age at matrimony of 18 ( recently 21 old ages ) as approved by assorted statute laws are non at all followed in India. It is really much neglected by the parents with low literacy background. This unbearable pattern dejects the female kids to go on their instruction. as they go into household life at an early age.Lower Enrolment in Schools: The low registration of misss in schools is one of the cardinal factors that stand as the probationary block for authorization of Indian adult females. Harmonizing to the latest statistics. two out of every 10 misss in the 6 to 11 age group are yet to be enrolled in schools.High dropout rate of misss from schools: The happenings of dropouts among misss chiefly in slums. rural. and tribal countries are rather high. Harmonizing to the latest statistics. happening of dropout among the misss is about twice as that of the male childs in India.Poor School Environment for misss: Broadly. the school environment for misss in India is truly non promoting. There are still 100s of schools with hapless indispensable comfortss such as imbibing H2O. improper edifice and unequal figure of instructors peculiarly the female instructors who are preferred by many parents for the safety of their girl kids.Poverty. Bonded Labour and Child Labour Practices: This is a really discouraging factor that stands as barrier for girl’s instruction in rural countries and besides for the underprivileged households dwelling of the washer work forces. the agricultural labor. the folk and the scheduled caste people. Harmonizing toUN. India. with more than 50 million kid laborers. is the most child labour thickly settled state in the Earth. In most instances girl kids are favored for high productiveness and low cost.Poor Political Will and Passion: Government officers. policy shapers. and politicians of our state have neither political will nor passion for the authorization of adult females.Dowry as barrier: In many households. peculiarly the hapless think that if their girls are educated more. so they have to garner more belongings to offer as dowery at the clip of matrimony. so they favor to halt their kids with mean instruction.Trafficking and Commercial sexual development:India is a beginning. finish and theodolite state for adult females being trafficked for the usage of forced labour and commercial sexual development. Womans are being held in debt bondage and are really vulnerable to forced labour working in rice Millss. brick kilns. and agribusiness and in embroidery mills. Girls and adult females are trafficked inside the state for the intent of forced matrimony and commercial sexual development. They are besides being used as armed battlers by some terrorist groups.India is besides a finish for adult females and misss from Nepal and Bangladesh trafficked for the intent of commercial sexual development. while the Indian adult females are being trafficked to the Middle East for the same intent.Government and NGO studies approximates that there are some 100s of 1000s to 1000000s of adult females and misss being prostituted in India. most of whom are victims of trafficking. The majority of the adult females being prostituted and trafficked within India are from lower ( scheduled ) castes and are brought into the sex trade every bit immature as 13 old ages.Exploitation of adult females through media:The development of adult females in the media has become so familiar. peculiarly in advertisement. which most people fail to even detect it or acquire annoyed any longer. Women’s organic structure is continually used to sell autos. coffin nails. spiritss.male aroma and other male recognized merchandises. every bit good as newspapers. magazines and telecasting plans. In today’s society. people come across telecasting ads such as Slice having Katrina Kaif. in which adult females are being offered in provocative mode. The camera will habitually whizz in on organic structure parts. Society is still really much dominated by work forces who manage what people see. As a effect. adult females are progressively shown as sex symbols. so the media company can turn to gain. The Internet besides has grown to be one of the biggest users of adult females.Trading on the female organic structure – Exploitation of adult females for egg:Poor adult females from around the Earth are being earnestly recruited to donate their eggs to birthrate clinics and besides for the cloning research. Miserably. egg contribution has less to make with selflessness and more to make with the development of adult females. chiefly immature adult females and hapless adult females who normally face big debts. Egg contribution puts women’s wellness and her safety at hazard. Trade in human egg cells is finally an assault on the pride of adult females.Avoiding the development of adult females:Today modern adult females are so smart and self-sufficing that they can be easy called superwomen. as she copes with many foreparts individual handedly. Womans are now intensely motivated and are demoing their worth non merely in the place. but besides in their personal callings. and instruction in the society. In order to better their position. adult females themselves should come forward and unite. They should pull encouragement from adult females like Indira Gandhi. the first adult female Prime Minister of India. Kiran Bedi. India’s first adult female IPS officer ;Pratibha patil. the first adult female President of India and many others. Adding onto that. as the societal immoralities like dowery. child matrimony. caste system and other patterns deprive rights of instruction for kids belonging to hapless and underprivileged households. they should be abolished through good designed bundles of mass consciousness plans and societal public assistance steps with full support of political parties. NGOs. authorities bureaus and public. Indian Government should besides turn to the cardinal issue of gender inequality and the construction that allows those most marginalized in society. chiefly lower caste adult females and misss to be exploited for commercial sex. GoI should set plans in topographic point to supply practical options to harlotry and supply micro funding. so that they have other options to supply for themselves and their households.A nation’s advancement and prosperity can be evaluated by the manner it treats its adult females. Work force must acknowledge and acknowledge the fact that adult females are equal spouses in life.

Monday, November 25, 2019

A Brief History of the Cuban Revolution

A Brief History of the Cuban Revolution In the final days of 1958, ragged rebels began the process of driving out forces loyal to Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. By New Year’s Day 1959, the nation was theirs, and Fidel Castro, Chà © Guevara, Raà ºl Castro, Camilo Cienfuegos, and their companions rode triumphantly into Havana and history. The revolution began long before, however, and the eventual rebel triumph was the result of many years of hardship, guerrilla warfare, and propaganda battles. Transcendental Graphics / Getty Images Batista Seizes Power The revolution began in 1952 when former Army Sergeant Fulgencio Batista seized power during a hotly contested election. Batista had been president from 1940 to 1944 and ran for president in 1952. When it became apparent that he would lose, he seized power before the elections, which were canceled. Many people in Cuba were disgusted by his power grab, preferring Cuba’s democracy, as flawed as it was. One such person was rising political star Fidel Castro, who would likely have won a seat in Congress had the 1952 elections taken place. Castro immediately began plotting Batista’s downfall. Assault on Moncada On the morning of July 26, 1953, Castro made his move. For a revolution to succeed, he needed weapons, and he selected the isolated Moncada barracks as his target. 138 men attacked the compound at dawn: it was hoped that the element of surprise would make up for the rebels’ lack of numbers and arms. The attack was a fiasco almost from the start, and the rebels were routed after a firefight that lasted a few hours. Many were captured. Nineteen federal soldiers were killed; the remaining ones took out their anger on captured rebels, and most of them were shot. Fidel and Raul Castro escaped  but were captured later. 'History Will Absolve Me' The Castros and surviving rebels were put on public trial. Fidel, a trained lawyer, turned the tables on the Batista dictatorship by making the trial about the power grab. Basically, his argument was that as a loyal Cuban, he had taken up arms against the dictatorship because it was his civic duty. He made long speeches and the government belatedly tried to shut him up by claiming he was too ill to attend his own trial. His most famous quote from the trial was, â€Å"History will absolve me.† He was sentenced to 15 years in prison  but had become a nationally recognized figure and a hero to many poor Cubans. Mexico and the Granma In May 1955 the Batista government, bending to international pressure to reform, released many political prisoners, including those who had taken part in the Moncada assault. Fidel and Raul Castro went to Mexico to regroup and plan the next step in the revolution. There they met up with many disaffected Cuban exiles who joined the new â€Å"26th of July Movement,† named after the date of the Moncada assault. Among the new recruits were charismatic Cuban exile Camilo Cienfuegos and Argentine doctor Ernesto â€Å"Chà ©Ã¢â‚¬  Guevara. In November  1956, 82 men crowded onto the tiny yacht Granma and set sail for Cuba and revolution. In the Highlands Batista’s men had learned of the returning rebels and ambushed them. Fidel and Raul made it into the wooded central highlands with only a handful of survivors from Mexico; Cienfuegos and Guevara were among them. In the impenetrable highlands, the rebels regrouped, attracting new members, collecting weapons, and staging guerrilla attacks on military targets. Try as he might, Batista could not root them out. The leaders of the revolution permitted foreign journalists to visit and interviews with them were published around the world. The Movement Gains Strength As the July 26th movement gained power in the mountains, other rebel groups took up the fight as well. In the cities, rebel groups loosely allied with Castro carried out hit-and-run attacks and nearly succeeded in assassinating Batista. Batista decided on a bold move: he sent a large portion of his army into the highlands in the summer of 1958 to try and flush out Castro once and for all. The move backfired: the nimble rebels carried out guerrilla attacks on the soldiers, many of whom switched sides or deserted. By the end of 1958, Castro was ready to deliver the knockout punch. Underwood Archives / Getty Images Castro Tightens the Noose In late 1958 Castro divided his forces, sending Cienfuegos and Guevara into the plains with small armies; Castro followed them with the remaining rebels. The rebels captured towns and villages along the way, where they were greeted as liberators. Cienfuegos captured the small garrison at Yaguajay on Dec. 30. Defying the odds, Guevara and 300 weary rebels defeated a much larger force at the city of Santa Clara on December 28–30, capturing valuable munitions in the process. Meanwhile, government officials were negotiating with Castro, trying to salvage the situation and halt the bloodshed. Victory for the Revolution Batista and his inner circle, seeing that Castro’s victory was inevitable, took what loot they could gather up and fled. Batista authorized some of his subordinates to deal with Castro and the rebels. The people of Cuba took to the streets, joyfully greeting the rebels. Cienfuegos and Guevara and their men entered Havana on January 2nd and disarmed the remaining military installations. Castro made his way into Havana slowly, pausing in every town, city, and village along the way to give speeches to the cheering crowds, finally entering Havana on January 9th. Aftermath and Legacy The Castro brothers quickly consolidated their power, sweeping away all remnants of the Batista regime and muscling out all of the rival rebel groups that had aided them in their rise to power. Raul Castro and Chà © Guevara were put in charge of organizing squads to bring to trial and execute Batista era war criminals who had engaged in torture and murder under the old regime. Although Castro first positioned himself as a nationalist, he soon gravitated toward communism and openly courted the leaders of the Soviet Union. Communist Cuba would be a thorn in the side of the United States for decades, triggering international incidents such as the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. The United States imposed a trade embargo in 1962 that led to years of hardship for the Cuban people. Under Castro, Cuba has become a player on the international stage. The prime example is its intervention in Angola: thousands of Cuban troops were sent there in the 1970s to support a leftist movement. The Cuban revolution inspired revolutionaries throughout Latin America as idealistic young men and women took up arms to try and change hated governments for new ones. The results were mixed. In Nicaragua, rebel Sandinistas eventually did overthrow the government and come to power. In the southern part of South America, the upswing in Marxist revolutionary groups such as Chiles MIR and Uruguays Tupamaros led to right-wing military governments seizing power; Chilean dictator  Augusto Pinochet is a prime example. Working together through Operation Condor, these repressive governments waged a war of terror on their own citizens. The Marxist rebellions were stamped out, but many innocent civilians died as well. Cuba and the United States, meanwhile, maintained an antagonistic relationship well into the first decade of the 21st century. Waves of migrants fled the island nation over the years, transforming the ethnic makeup of Miami and South Florida; in 1980 alone, more than 125,000 Cubans fled in makeshift boats in what came to be known as the Mariel Boatlift. After Fidel In 2008, the aging Fidel Castro stepped down as president of Cuba, installing his brother Raul in power. During the next five years, the government gradually loosened its tight restrictions on foreign travel and also began allowing some private economic activity among its citizens. The U.S. also began to engage Cuba under the direction of President Barack Obama, and by 2015 announced that the long-standing embargo would gradually be loosened.   The announcement resulted in a surge of travel from the U.S. to Cuba and more cultural exchanges between the two nations. However, with the election of Donald Trump as president in 2016, the relationship between the two countries is in flux. Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016.  Raà ºl Castro announced municipal elections for October 2017, and Cubas National Assembly officially confirmed Miguel Dà ­az-Canel as Cuba’s new head of state.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

To study the morphology and behavior of primates in a zoo setting Essay

To study the morphology and behavior of primates in a zoo setting - Essay Example In this zoo, there are thousands of primates, which makes the place one of its kind, and a lowland gorilla is one of the primates hosted here. On arrival at the zoo, the first sight was this animal in its quadrupedalism posture. This animal is mostly found in Africa in the countries of Gabon, Angola, Cameroon and Congo. The male Lowland gorilla is normally quite vulnerable to a heart disease known as cardiomyopathy ("Bronx Zoo† p.5). However, one does not have to travel all the way to Africa to view this animal thanks to the brilliant innovation at Bronx zoo. The mandrill is another primate that was seen and one that made the one to remember for many days to come. Firstly, this animal demonstrated its competence in using its prehensile tail to grasp the tree branches. Upon further research, this animal also known as Madrillus sphinx was established to have originated from Equatorial Guinea. However, it is found in other African countries like Gabon and Congo. Horde is a name used to describe these animals when moving together as a group ("Bronx Zoo† p.6). Normally, these animals copulate in the months of June through to October; they have also been found to be the largest monkeys in the world. At times, these animals have also been viewed in arboreal locomotion in the Zoo while others do brachiation In addition to viewing the aforementioned primates, Colobi were also present in Bronx zoo. This genus can be traced to Africa and countries like Kenya and Congo have these primates. The term colobi is used to refer to the colobus group of monkeys which include the white and black monkeys. This genus moves in a group of around nine animals, which participate in all mothering. When born, young colobuses are normally white but the color may change as they grow up. Sadly, this group of primates- just like every other animal- is prone to prey by many other predators ("Bronx Zoo† p.7). Poachers too pose a threat to these animals since its meat is widely thought

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Political socialization autobigraphy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Political socialization autobigraphy - Essay Example Roosevelt’s New Deal program aimed to stop the depression and start building the state’s economy. 2. What is the party of my parents? As our family belongs to the Republican Party, the party itself is generally conservative, but the "Religious Right" is much more of a populist. The name of the party was adopted during a state convention held in Jackson, MI on July 6, 1854. â€Å"The Republican Party name was christened in an editorial written by New York newspaper magnate Horace Greeley. Greeley printed in June 1854: "We should not care much whether those thus united (against slavery) were designated 'Whig,' 'Free Democrat' or something else; though we think some simple name like 'Republican' would more fitly designate those who had united to restore the Union to its true mission of champion and promulgator of Liberty rather than propagandist of slavery† (USHistory.Org, 2010). 3. Were your parents ever politically active? My parents were not politically active be cause they are overseas with the navy during the Gulf War. Since it was the country that my parents were fighting for, they did not have second thoughts when they joined the navy during the gulf war. Patriotism always comes first before anything else. As the song goes, America is the â€Å"land of the free and the home of the brave.† When one is asked to fight for his country, though his life would be at risk and he will be away from his family, there is no greater honor than to fight for the land where one is born and raised. It is not a personal honor yet it is a pride of the family and legacy which will be left to the future generations. It would not just be in this lifetime that people would be thankful for him for the courage that he has shown. His name would be part of the history of the country for which he fought for. 4. Did you ever discuss politics or public policy with your parents? No, I do not really discuss political or public policy with my parents. One reason why children are not discussing politics with their parents is to avoid any misunderstandings. Another reason is that others are simply not interested due to the fact that there are too many conflicts which can bring about stress to the public specifically in relation to the political affiliations of people. There are still quite a handful of clans who thinks differently towards people who belong to the other political group. 5. Who are the 3 people that are good influence on values beliefs and opinions? The members of my family especially my parents are considered to be the most influential people in my life. They set good examples in terms of how I should make decisions in the different aspects of my life. 6. What other events can you remember that influenced your values and beliefs? There have been too many events that happened in this lifetime. Though there would be one way or another that it influenced me, it still isn’t enough to change my dispositions and beliefs or op inions towards certain issues. I have been brought up to be a responsible adult by my parents. Therefore, I would make decisions based on what I know and what is given during a specific time. 7. From what sources do you currently get your information about politics? The government has been transparent with news that concerns the people. There are still those traditional ways that the information is disseminated just like the newspaper, radio and TV. Though for them to reach out to the youth there are some

Monday, November 18, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 49

Philosophy - Essay Example Nevertheless, in this paper I would like to focus on the idea that affected me the most. By far, the teaching of Kant is something that opened my eyes on may different things. That is why I would like to analyze some of the elements of it and show how they were able to affect me. To begin with, I would like to note that the concept of every acts being treated as a potential for universal law was truly impressive. I would have never thought about my actions from this point of view. Indeed, prior to the course I knew that some of the actions that I did were ethical and some of the actions were not completely ethical; nevertheless, I never thought that each of them should be critically evaluated in such a rigid manner. I was surprised to discover the idea that turning any action into a universal law may serve as a suitable measure of an action. At first, I was surprised and did not think that it would help me. However, gradually I came to the understanding that this is a rather useful approach. It helps people to concentrate and what it right and not make mistakes in life. The next concept of Kant’s teaching that affected me much was the concept of good will. According to the above mentioned position, treating every action is as potential universal law is not enough: it is important to make sure that the person who performs it has a good will. Indeed, the latter is a rather obvious concept; nevertheless, it is rather difficult to define it correctly as there are many aspects that should be taken into consideration, making sure that none of them is omitted, but when it is done, it is evident that the absence of good will is one of the major determinants of a moral action. All this results in the understanding that evaluating the consequences of an action may not be fully reliable when it comes to assessing an action. I believe that such approach affected me a lot since it urges me to think about the subjective

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Negotiation occurs in business

Negotiation occurs in business 1. Executive summary The thirst for power, growth and global recognition has made countries source for wealth and power through the process of Negotiating with each other. The term Negotiation can be said to be a dialogue. Resolving disputes to reach an agreement upon course of action or to bargain for individual or collective advantage. Negotiation occurs in business, non-profit organizations, and government branches, legal proceedings, among nations and in personal situations such as marriage, divorce, parenting, and everyday life. Nigeria, the most populous country in the whole of Africa with a population of about 140million, is a multi-cultural country where large multi-ethnic groups negotiate everyday for the growth of the country. In this report you will see the pattern in which Nigeria communicates and negotiates when it comes to doing business and how its culture affects its decision making and life style. 1.1 Communication and Negotiation style in Nigeria: Personal relationship is very important to them Trust is required to conduct business Age is considered indicative of wisdom An older business person is always put in a negotiating plan Titles are always used depending on the status of that person. E.g. Chief, Mr, Mrs, Engineer etc. Companies are hierarchical Ultimate decision-making rests with the CEO Decisions are reached slowly If one is not patient with decision making you will give offence and that alone can put your business relationship at risk Getting decisions from government officials can be extremely protracted Nigerians can be tough bargainers They state their position clearly and may get into heated decisions One is expected to honour any promise made Initial agreement is generally verbal-followed by contract Nigerians expect flexibility in working out the details. This is due to the fact that they are not time conscious. It can take longer than proposed or expected to get the job done 2. Terms of reference As a reporter by name Sarah Aghorighor born in Nigeria, I was approached by an investor from china who has invested in so many companies. He would like one of his firm which deals with electronics to do business with a Nigerian importer. My client, Mr Young Chan a successful investor, who owns over 30 firms in China wants me to write a brief on how Nigerians communicates and negotiates with other countries and if culture affect their way of doing business. 3. Overview of the situation Living in Nigeria requires one with survival instinct, the ability to multi task, strong business orientation, self confidence and a fearless heart. Living in Nigeria change ones attitude towards life, work and its environment either good or bad but I think in this case it changes it for good. Nigerian life style is governed by cultural values that â€Å"make up† its society. These values govern how they live, work and interact. However, culture is not just about us but the people we live with. Ferraro (1997) shared his view on culture as everything that people have, think, and do as members of their society. His view considers material objects, values and beliefs as well as behavioural patterns of a people to be components that define culture. However, culture is not in born; it is acquired through learning and interacting with ones environment. Nigeria is situated on the gulf of Guinea in west Chad. Its neighbours are Benin, Niger, Cameroon and Chad while the lower course of the Nigeria river flows south through the western part of the country into the gulf of Guinea swamps and mangrove forest border the south coast inland are hardwood forest. The country gained its independence October 1st 1960 becoming members of commonwealth of nation and joining the United Nation. Although Nigeria has had its up and down in the past, it is still known as one of the richest country in the world. Trading on cassava, woods, fishing etc is one of Nigeria fastest way of growing economically and making wealth apart from its oil business. Nigeria has a very strong tradition which governs the land and its business. In addition, Nigeria is known for a strong tradition in literature, theatre, arts and craft and is now coming up in its music which is culturally tide to a particular style and also the film industries. Nigeria has good and natural resources, when investment is made on its land there is always a positive result, provided rules are obeyed. As a Nigerian through this research it was brought to my attention that Nigeria and China are like brothers. They share a lot in common and above all their negotiating style is the same irrespective of the fact that they are both from different parts of the world. One major factor is that both countries are cultural. 4. Analysis of the situation In my years of practise as a reporter I have come to realise that certain issues affects man and its environment. This can affect them socially, economically and even politically and when it does things changes in that country, living them in a state of confusion. Everyone negotiates one way or another known and unknown to us, this makes us live together as one. While negotiating before making / taking any decision we must consider the feasibility of the intended action or business to be embarked upon. With this in mind, we would like to examine, by way of analysis, our options in order to resolve these issues. The principle tool used for this research is PEST analysis. PEST stands for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors of the external environment. That is, the external factors that is usually beyond the firms control that may constitute threats to the organization. Thus, PEST analysis is found suitable for this paper because it is expected to unveil issues that may arise during negotiation process and offers possible suggestion that will fast-track the process. Each of the factors considered in PEST analysis is composed of several other issues for analysis, but the ones chosen for this research are as follow: Political analysis: we considered the political and the democratic processes in Nigeria; the risk of military invasion; trade and price regularization. Economic analyses: we considered the poverty level and inflation rate. Social analysis: we considered the demographics. Technological analysis: we considered the recent technological developments; the rate and diffusion of telephone or Internet services. 4.1 Political Analysis Due to the long years of military rule which lasted for about 30 years out of 47 years of independence, the rate of development in Nigeria has remained low. This reign was classified as an economic depression, lack of vision, inadequate infrastructural development etc. I think it was just plain illiteracy from the military, but ever since the civilians took over there has been transformation throughout their journey. Since 1999 when military regime handed over to civilians, Nigeria has witness great developments in technology, economy and politically. Since then the nation aimed to sanitize the economy and polity in general such as: Bank recapitalization which reduced from 89 weak banks to 25 strong ones, making 12 of them listed among the first 1000 banks in the world. This feat has never been achieved before (Soludo 2007); also telecom has made the country be the fastest growing telecommunication JIB August 2008, Vol. 13, No. 2. In the major sector of the economy such as transporta tion, mineral resources, oil and gas, there is high hopes for foreign investments. 4.2 The Economic Analysis 4.2.1 Poverty Level Nigeria with great wealth still has economic issues. There is poverty amongst household and in the land. In 1996, the poverty rate was 46% instead of going down to 21% but sadly to say poverty sky-rocketed to 76%. The urban slums dwellers in Nigeria are about 77% while issues to be solved under the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) are located in urban settlement which is around 99%. In general, two-thirds if the household in Nigeria are poor, but there is hope for tomorrow. 4.2.2 Inflation Rate The inflation rate as at present: Due to militants destructive activities in Niger Delta region, the total federal revenue collection dropped 44% between 2008 and 2009 which brought the need to develop infrastructures. But overall, the economys output continues to improve as GDP rose 6.73% compared to 5.56% during the corresponding period of the previous year. Through these contributions the GDP got significant growth: agriculture, wholesale and retail trade but from the oil sector there was a decline in growth to about 4.5%. Nigeria at this point seems risky but the outlook for this country prospects for investments remain positive. 4.3 Social Analysis Nigeria is a very large country filled with lots of social activities. Yes indeed the country is over populated but it does have its wonderful side. This social analysis will be based on Lagos which is the principal port of Nigeria. The largest market in cloths, vegetables, meat and poultry, enamel and earth ware, herbs, fancy goods and fruits are located within its surroundings. Its got lots of site seeing, places to go, people to see and activities round it. Most of the people are traders and they make their living from the commerce of the city by trading, importing and exporting, shop keepers, drivers, watchmen, clerks or craftsmen etc. There is always something to be done and ways to make money. 4.3.1 Demographic Nigerians life expectancy was estimated to have increased from 40 to 51 years. Much of this is due to the decline in mortality among infants younger than one year and children ages one to four. At 1990, maternity deaths excluding deaths resulting from illegal abortions exceeded 75,000 per year. Regardless of the countries decline in fertility in the 1990s, the countrys population was expected to double by next century. Less than Nigerians 1990 population was less than fifteen thus the country expects to deal with a population of more than 200 million probably within the next twenty-five years. 4.4 Technological Analysis This is based on infrastructure, use of telephone and the level of internet usage in Nigeria. Nigeria has witnessed a commendable growth in telephone service from 2001 till date, moving from a density of 0.73 to above 37.05. Nigeria is currently rated the fastest growing telecoms industry in African (Nigeria2Day, 2007). 4.5 Environmental Factors Nigerian soil is rich in minerals which help grow crops. Despite the pollution on the environment such as oil spillage, over population and neglect of government on the land, it is still a rich place to do business. Due to the over population of the country there is cheap labour which will help facilitate the business. 4.6 Legal Factors 5. Solutions and recommendations I would suggest that before negotiating you should look closely into Nigerians way of negotiating and top companies that deals in such business and has good reputation. These people should be your target market people. With an increase in unemployment currently at its highest, labour cost is low. Larger number of unemployed skilled workers can be employed to work. If possible employ both Chinese and Nigerian citizens. Understanding cultural diffusion. This concept identifies that most innovations introduced into a culture are as a result of borrowing from other culture. Therefore, appreciating other peoples culture is imperative. Actual negotiation should be decided on its handling methods. E.g. the extents at which you adjust your style to their culture and still remain credible. Typical behaviour of patterns, attitudes, values of your negotiator should be understood. Invest in research. Employ effective use of the internet by creating a website that will facilitate purchase and delivery during both importing and exporting of goods. A good communication skill is needed. Multiple offers should be made simultaneously. 6. Forecast and outcome There will be some form of cultural differences during and after negotiation, but so long as deadlines are met and both parties work hand in hand the business will flow. Due to government and immigration rules there might be some difficulties during importation and exportation of goods. With good research and also foreigners at both ends there shouldnt be too much trouble. There should be Constant communication back to Directors to know the situation of things. 7.References Soludo C. (2007): Strategic Agenda for the Naira, accessed date, Aug. 17, 2007. Lothar Katz. (March 2008): The Negotiators Reference Guide to 50 Countries around the World Nigeria2Day (2007): Nigeria celebrates Six Years of GSM Mobile Phones, accessed date, Sept. 3rd, 2007. Kimmel, Paul. Cultural Perspectives on International Negotiations, Journal of Social Issues, 50, (1), 1994, PP. 179-196 and Weldon, Elizabeth and Karen A. Jehn. Examining Cross-Cultural Differences in Conflict Management Behaviour: A Strategy for Future Research. The International Journal of Conflict Management 1995, 6, (4) October, pp. 387-403. Guirdham M, 2002, Interactive Behaviour at Work (3rd Edition), Essex, Pearson Education Ltd. ISBN 0-273-65590-6

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay on The Holy Bible - Dionysus and Genisis God :: Holy Bible Genesis Essays

Dionysus and Genisis God  Ã‚  Ã‚      Every individual has his/her own view of a divine power. It appears that each different culture looks at its’ higher being in a different way.   Texts and myths are used by each culture to explain its god or gods or even goddesses.   Genesis, from the Bible, shows the many characteristics of the Christian God, as does Euripides' The Bacchae of Dionysus.   The two separate Gods are shown to illustrate very similar human characteristics; however, they differ by their godly attributes and their effect on how women are viewed in today's society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Christian God, as described in Genesis, possesses some common human characteristics. The Greek God of all that is emotional, Dionysus, is depicted in The Bacchae to have those same human emotions. Both Gods portray a very common human emotion: need. The Genesis God wants to be the only God that the people belief in; he is needy in receiving recognition for being the only God. Dionysus has a very similar conflict. The entire play deals with Dionysus testing the Theban women of their sincere devotion and belief for him. While Dionysus struggles to be recognized as a true God, the Christian God is struggling to be recognized as the only God. Both Gods possess this very human emotion that we call need; both are in desperate search for recognition and acceptance.   Another human emotion that can be found in both Gods is authority and wrath. The Biblical God punishes Adam and Eve severely when they eat from the Tree of Forbidden Fruit. He uses his godly authority and sends them out of Paradise. Dionysus portrays that same angry emotion; he gets angered so easily when someone refuses to belief in him. Need and wrath are very human emotions that the Christian God and Dionysus experience.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The attributes and power that each God has is a major difference between the depiction of the God in Genesis and the Dionysus from The Bacchae. Genesis tells of the story of how God created the earth, and how he made the animals, man and woman. This God is shown to have the power to do anything in his will. He is the one and only true God.   Dionysus does not possess that kind of power. Essay on The Holy Bible - Dionysus and Genisis God :: Holy Bible Genesis Essays Dionysus and Genisis God  Ã‚  Ã‚      Every individual has his/her own view of a divine power. It appears that each different culture looks at its’ higher being in a different way.   Texts and myths are used by each culture to explain its god or gods or even goddesses.   Genesis, from the Bible, shows the many characteristics of the Christian God, as does Euripides' The Bacchae of Dionysus.   The two separate Gods are shown to illustrate very similar human characteristics; however, they differ by their godly attributes and their effect on how women are viewed in today's society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Christian God, as described in Genesis, possesses some common human characteristics. The Greek God of all that is emotional, Dionysus, is depicted in The Bacchae to have those same human emotions. Both Gods portray a very common human emotion: need. The Genesis God wants to be the only God that the people belief in; he is needy in receiving recognition for being the only God. Dionysus has a very similar conflict. The entire play deals with Dionysus testing the Theban women of their sincere devotion and belief for him. While Dionysus struggles to be recognized as a true God, the Christian God is struggling to be recognized as the only God. Both Gods possess this very human emotion that we call need; both are in desperate search for recognition and acceptance.   Another human emotion that can be found in both Gods is authority and wrath. The Biblical God punishes Adam and Eve severely when they eat from the Tree of Forbidden Fruit. He uses his godly authority and sends them out of Paradise. Dionysus portrays that same angry emotion; he gets angered so easily when someone refuses to belief in him. Need and wrath are very human emotions that the Christian God and Dionysus experience.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The attributes and power that each God has is a major difference between the depiction of the God in Genesis and the Dionysus from The Bacchae. Genesis tells of the story of how God created the earth, and how he made the animals, man and woman. This God is shown to have the power to do anything in his will. He is the one and only true God.   Dionysus does not possess that kind of power.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Role of Young Minds in Shaping India’s Path Towards

Essay Title Role of Young Minds in shaping India’s path towards becoming a Superpower Name : Dhruv Tripathi College Name : University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun Course : B. A. LL. B. 3rd Semester E-mail : [email  protected] com Introduction Young generation now has a lot of responsibility in making  India  a Super Power. We have done well in certain aspects; however, we need to go a very long way still. The growth in GDP, growth in Exports, employment opportunities, increase in literacy, reduction in poverty etc. itself cannot make  India  a Super Power. Many would agree that  India  is rich, but, Indians are poor.We need to manage the growth properly and we need to ensure that all Indians prosper and Human Rights are protected. The increasing gap between rich and poor is not good for the country and it results in revolution one-day and system will get affected if people resort to extremism. It is very important to concentrate on infrastructure dev elopment in the Country in order to attract FDI and in order to support Industry which creates plenty of employment opportunities. But, there won’t be any meaning for the development unless we are able to provide certain basic things to the citizens of this country.In  India, with cast playing a big role and with lot of poverty and as every citizen has a right to vote, there is scope for muscle power and money power in politics rather ability and commitment to serve the people. The younger generation can not stay away from politics just because politics are corrupt and they should be mature enough to understand things and to serve the people. There are many issues we need to concentrate and it is the responsibility of younger generation to take the challenge and to act in a matured way rather resorting to extremism or pessimism.I would like to express my views on few challenging issues in this country : Youth into Politics: Many people criticize politicians so easily and we talk about political corruption very frequently rather thinking towards the solution. I do believe that great people in this country did think about the ways to reform our politics. We have brought some reforms to Peoples Representative Act, we are discussing about the tendency of buying votes, not allowing people with criminal background in contesting elections and also about State funding.I have heard a discussion on public funding of political parties, but, I know that it is very difficult to deal with this issue too and even drafting a regulation providing public funding will not be any easy issue and it will lead to so many other complications. Great people have concluded that the public funding will not solve the problem of election expenditure. Many also opine that spending lot of money in elections and buying votes may not guarantee success, however, not spending money in elections can guarantee defeat. This is a fact.As such, I we need not think too much about this issues and Election Commission is there to enforce its regulations and it will be doing its job. Media: Media is no more independent now and the people are not in a position to rely on media reports unless the issues is disused clearly. Media can do so many things really and it can reform this society. However, they are very busy with their issues and keeping their TRP ratings intact. They say that they need not have a responsibility and they can not do charity. There is a merit in the argument of media too, but, public interest is above all.However, it is very difficult to regulate media and there should be awareness among the people that what media says need not be correct. The issue is very important and we need to find ways as to how to prevent the media in damaging society and as to whether it is possible to regulate the media. Education & Health Care: Today many software engineers and other educated employed in good companies taking good remuneration. Many of these did study in  Go vernment  Schools  and colleges and they did struggle with poverty.Despite the poverty and other issues, they could grow and achieve positions in life now. However, now, these software engineers employed in good companies and taking good remuneration finding it difficult to get their children educated. If this is the situation for the educated and employed, then, what about people living below poverty line? Still, in this country, substantial number of people lives Below Poverty Line. I strongly believe that we can not get away with this Education and Health Care through Schemes and Privatization.State Governments have a big role to play in imparting education and in providing Health Care. Our Governments have lot of money in their hands now with industrial and overall growth, but, they spend all the money towards achieving their political agenda. If this country can not provide education to the people Below Poverty Line at free of cost, then, we may have to pay a very heavy pri ce for that and we will also see internal revolution. It is such a sensitive issue now and we can not ignore this. Agriculture Farmers do face lot of difficulties with the middlemen.The problems of our farmers to be understood and State Governments should give utmost priority as to how to protect our Agriculture. We can not ignore our Agriculture which provides livelihood to majority of Indians even now either directly or indirectly. Our State Government Agri Departments should function efficiently addressing the problems of the farmers from time to time. We need to maintain a modest Agri growth while focusing on the Industrial Growth. We need to concentrate on both. Legal System There is a lot of talk about our legal system.How come we claim that we are developed unless our rights are duly protected with due process of law? We need not look at the role of Police, the investigation, the corruption in Police Department and other issues while we talk about legal system. Yes, we need g ood police men, investigators and we need to have a mechanism where the orders of the Court are implemented effectively and speedily. The role of Police and connected issues need not necessarily be merged while talk about legal reforms. Because, the police reforms are directly connected to politics and political leadership.That’s a bigger issue. We need to have a serious look at our court infrastructure, the quality of judges, the work culture, and the quality of legal professionals, the procedural issues and other connected things. We can not ignore our legal system anymore. I know that there are complications in bringing reforms in our legal system. There can be resistance from the legal professionals when the Government or the authorities push forward certain reforms. But, we need not have a clear plan as to how to go ahead and we must be able to effectively deal with the resistance too.Youth of this country should not be scared at the problems and we need to find solution s in order make our country a Super Power. There is no problem without solution and we need to find the solutions. Industrial Growth and the ‘Sustainable Development’ Environment is most important for the society and that is why even the developed countries talk so much about protection of environment. Industrial growth will have a define impact on environment; however, we cannot ignore the industrial growth if  India  needs to compete with the rest of the world and if  India  needs to reduce the rate of poverty.It is also true that there can be people with vested interests who will always try to hamper the industrial growth. A careful balance is to be made in this regard. Youth of this Country should also be concerned at our environment and it’s the responsibility of any Government to protect the environment. There can be public pressure in the right direction and at the same time, people should be aware of the vested interest groups hampering the growth referring to environment. Transparency in all Government DepartmentsThere is some change when it comes to functioning of Government Departments now. With technological revolution and with e-governance, many departments are computerized and we do not know as to whether the effort is sincere or an ‘eye-wash’. But, there is a change and we can know about the government, rules and regulations etc. through Internet now. This is a welcome change and Right to Information Act forces the public servants now to be transparent and to maintain the records properly, as otherwise, they will be fixed one day.The corrupt officials in various Government Departments find various ways hampering the reform process. Many Government Departments are supposed to provide the vital information and information about complaining authority. However, we may not find this information and no one talks at the responsibility. The intention with which a provision is made to form Trade Unions is also bei ng misused often leading to blackmailing Governments. Governments should be in a position to deal with any contingency of this kind and every department should have a clear plan as to how to counter these kinds of problems.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Well-Written Essay About Yourself

Well-Written Essay About Yourself Essay about yourself It is very important to produce a great essay about yourself no matter the purpose of writing and your educational level. When preparing this work, students may face some difficulties. It is sometimes very hard to understand what to focus on when writing it. How to Write an Essay About Yourself Appropriately? Follow the Instructions Provided BelowKey point of the paperIt is obvious that essays about yourself should present your personality efficiently. This very fact confuses students. Therefore, it is complicated to formulate the points you are going to cover. For this reason, you should pose a specific question and discuss it in the best way. In case you get the topic from your professor, you should try to cover it completely. Do not be afraid to put forward creative ideas. Besides, you may browse the Internet and find a handy essay about yourself. It will help you understand what to concentrate on.Describe your experienceIn order to understand how to start an essay about yourself, think about your life. Surely, it is full of memorable events, precious moments, and difficult situations. They are: birthday parties, graduation, exams, etc. All of them help you gain valuable experience. Nevertheless, you should select an extraordinary top ic and examine it. Thus, readers will be impressed with your work.Put original ideasWhen writing an essay about yourself, you should not discuss boring issues. Try to explore something unusual. Therefore, your paper will differ greatly from the works of other students. Writing about Yourself Essays Is a Perfect Opportunity to Introduce Yourself Without any doubts, about yourself essays reveal the student`s personality much better than the book reviews, PowerPoint presentations, and research papers. The best essays about yourself talk about the honesty, gratitude, the strength of character, free will, perseverance, and many other characteristics. In its essence, a personal essay is a wonderful opportunity for the student to introduce him/herself without the fear of sounding too selfish. When the college admission officers read your essay, they should think What an interesting and creative person! Such an essay will help them learn more about your personality and decide if you fit their educational institution. Start the writing process by thinking about your strengths. Consider answering the questions: What makes me different from others? What my friends and family can say about me? Do I have the leadership skills? Am I passionate about anything? By answering these questions, you will be able to create an interesting topic that will enable you to introduce yourself from different perspectives. After the brainstorming process, start writing your rough draft. Begin with the few introductory sentences that will catch the reader`s attention. For this purpose, your introduction should have some hook that will make your essay interesting to your audience. It may be some thought-provoking idea or appropriate joke. Then, organize your thoughts into the logical flow. Your writing should be clear and coherent and should not have any logical gaps. If you hesitate if you have managed to write a good essay, feel free to ask some of your friends to read it and point out to its inconsistencies. Do not be afraid of criticism since it is always a way to progress. You should know that storytelling is one of the oldest forms of transferring information from one person to another. You may find a lot of essays about yourself on the web. Undoubtedly, you may use them for gaining some writing inspiration and for understanding the proper essay organization. However, you should never plagiarize from free essays about yourself since cheating will lead to terrible consequences. Do not even try to complete this assignment on the last day. Indeed, time-management is the inevitable skill that can be very helpful in completing this assignment. At, we understand all your fears and hesitations. Therefore, we have developed a perfect writing workshop helping an average student become more proficient in writing about yourself essays. Our workshop provides the despaired students with the essential instruments for creating perfect about yourself essays.Essay About Yourself I am a thirty eight year old single mother of one, applying for a scholarship to fund my studies in information technology. I am deeply interested in the information technology field. My interest in computers started 18 years ago when I started a small sales company. We did everything manually for the first three years. Then I purchased a computer, taught myself how to use it, and three months later, I designed a database to use for my unique business. Ive been in love with computers since that time and currently, I sell my database programs to other in the same line of business as my company. Designing websites and databases has since become my hobbies. All the computer expertise that I have is self taught and I believe that if I further my studies in this field, I can make the best out of my interest in computers. There is much I need to learn for me to excel in this field and that is why am interested in going back to school at this age because further studies will open me to the expansive world of computers. My desire to learn and my life long goals will help me to excel in my studies. My objective is to start an Information Technology business upon completion of my studies. As a single mother of one taking care of an ailing mother, I cannot afford to foot my college fees given that my business went down two years ago and I make a living out of the part time office administration job I got recently. This scholarship will help me to buy IT equipment that I need for my course. It will also help me in purchase of books and other school implements. I hereby apply for a scholarship, hoping that my application will be considered.See also another of essay about yourself

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Top Challenges Faced by Administrative Assistants

Top Challenges Faced by Administrative Assistants Heres the bottom line- great administrative assistants can be effective, invaluable employees in whatever work settings they find themselves in.Why? Because they’re aware of the most common challenges that they’ll likely face at work and come equipped with the tools needed to overcome them. Here are  the 12 challenges that administrative assistants often face.Administrative assistants are no strangers to difficult personalities. From tough bosses to prickly coworkers and touchy clients and everyone in between, good assistants can survive any personality crisis- while great assistants conquer and thrive by using their cool heads and witty charm. Another hurdle is dealing with the perception that this is a low-level position. The truth is, administrative assistants are often experienced, highly capable professionals who sometimes have to fight for the respect they deserve. Just because they are often expected to clean up other people’s messes around the office (a nother challenge), doesn’t mean they’re only capable of throwing out the garbage.Administrative assistants also have to face the perception that they exist to fix any office problem that arises under the sun. Leaky faucet? Broken copier? Roaches in the office kitchen? A great assistant often has to face the fact that their bosses might rely on them for every little thing. This also includes three other hurdles- being expected to know everything- even small details of conversations they aren’t part of, being blamed for anything that goes wrong, and always being expected to be available. A great administrative assistant knows that he or she will likely have to deal with and overcome these hurdles, while showing grace under pressure.Another result of being an indispensible â€Å"go-to† person around the office is the expectation that coworkers and bosses can go to you for help at any time. This means that their privacy is often encroached upon and their desk s are often used freely by all manner of office traffic. These two hurdles can be tough to deal with, but great administrative assistants figure out strategic ways for handling these in stride.When the work piles up, administrative assistants are often expected to roll up their sleeves and do whatever it takes to get the job done.This often means forgoing things like lunch breaks or afternoon stretches. When you’re stuck at your desk, a lack of physical activity can be a real challenge, but a worthy administrative assistant can figure it out. Furthermore, the level of public exposure and involvement administrative assistants often have around the office sometimes means that they’re the butt of office jokes, underappreciated, and underpaid- all tough challenges that great administrative assistants find a way around or through.Get to know these 12 common hurdles, be prepared, overcome them, and be the killer administrative assistant that your boss dreams about.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Marketing transportation homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing transportation homework - Essay Example Q15. A global sourcing development model has the following components: planning (finding the global sourcing opportunities & challenges), specification (quantifying and qualifying current resources), evaluation (Whether the supplier is matching the selection criterion), relationship management (building mutually beneficial long term relationship in cross cultural dimensions), transportation and holding costs (tradeoff between them), implementation, and monitoring and improvement (if any). Establishing a sourcing strategy is one of the most difficult tasks for procurement function. Hidden costs associated with procurement change the expected benefits significantly. These hidden costs must be taken into account during sourcing - a. Ocean carriers and international airlines have direct relation with nation’s economy, because they affect the nation’s balance of payments. Countries with weak balance of payments may impose license or permit on goods

Saturday, November 2, 2019

E-business Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

E-business Project - Essay Example Viability - To date, no site offers online musical instrument lessons. This means that this will be a "one-of-a-kind" musical site. It will address many problems besetting people who want to take lessons on playing musical instruments but either they don't have the time to physically go to places where these lessons are held or they don't have in their possession the necessary instruments. Likewise, this online experience can answer the needs of physically handicapped people who are musically-inclined and who would like to learn to play an instrument but could not due to commuting problems posed by the individual's physical disability. E-Business Model - The business model for Music Teachers Online is produced to offer a premium site with products and services with minimum overhead. This model offers a simplified site that eliminates avoidable costs and focuses on the basics of an e-business. Designing the website could cost quite a bit, depending on the experience of the business owner. If the owner were able to design the site it would decrease costs significantly, because the design will be the main cost incurred. In this case, the business owner will need the assistance of a professional web designer. A professional designer can implement the necessary formats for adding a shopping cart, setting up bulletin boards and other complicated design issues. Depending on the experience of the designer, this could cost upwards of a $1,000. The site owner needs to have or maintain a credit card (of good standing) or any of the legitimate online pay schemes available where customers can channel their purchase payments. However, once the site is up and running, there are few maintenance fees. Revenue Model - Revenue from this site will come from various sources: online lessons as well sales of musical instruments and sheet music, plus ticket sales. Other Details - This is an efficient musical e-commerce site with exponential business expansion possibilities. It is a site that will be informative and easy to use for both the customers and musical groups. It is also an aesthetically pleasing site that considers the fact that many of its prospective customers/viewers are on dial-up and quick load